


Missions at North Hills Bible Church

Missions is a primary focus of the Bible Church. Mark 16:15 says, And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said Go ye therefore, and teach all nations… We believe it is our responsibility as a church to spread the gospel both near and far, and this is the reason we give to missions, both near to home and in nations across the world.

Missions Across the World

Supporting Missions

Because we believe that God calls the church to be involved in spreading the Gospel to the farthest reaches of the globe, supporting missionaries full-time is a vital part of our missions program at North Hills. Please visit our Missionaries page to learn more about the individuals, families, and organizations that God has called our church to support.

Annual Missions Conference

While we welcome missionaries to speak and present their ministries to us year round, our Annual Missions Conference is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year at North Hills Bible Church. It is held annually during the third or fourth week of September, and is kicked off each year with our annual church family picnic. The devotional after the picnic meal is the informal beginning of the conference and is usually given by one of our attending missionaries.

The conference continues during all of our regularly-scheduled services on Sunday through Wednesday evening, with additional services held each weekday at 10:00 AM and at 7:00 PM Monday through Wednesday.

Each year a special theme is chosen for our Missions Conference, and our teenagers help decorate our building with items that reflect the theme for that year. There are special activities and opportunities to serve and learn more about missions for all ages, including the Ladies Luncheon on Monday afternoon and the Junior Missions Conference for all four days, with special messages for the children by our visiting missionaries.

For more detailed information about this year’s conference, please visit the Annual Missions Conference page.

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