
September 1, 2024

    • NHBC Church YouTube Channel

      For video recordings of weekly sermons, please visit our
      YouTube channel.

    • Hot Dog Social

      Be sure to join us tonight after the evening service for the Hot Dog Social downstairs. Remember to bring hot dog fixins and a snack or dessert to share. Drinks will be provided.

    • Sunday Evening Activities

      The Sunday Evening meetings and practices for Junior Choir and the various Teen activities start tonight.

    • Annual Missions Conference

      Our Missions Conference, Send the Light, will be coming in a few weeks.

      The Church Picnic will start our conference on Saturday, September 21. The picnic will be at Sunset Park in West Manchester Township on Sunset Lane. Grills will be provided for you to grill meats. Drinks will be provided. Please bring hot or cold dishes to share, desserts, and/or snacks. We would like to be ready to eat around noon, so please come earlier if you have meat to grill. Come meet and fellowship with our conference missionaries. There will be games and lots of fun!

      There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for the Ladies Luncheon, Monday, September 23 at noon. This will be a covered dish luncheon. Please bring a hot dish and a cold dish or dessert to share with the other ladies. Lunch will be provided for the children. The men and teen boys will be taking care of the children, so the ladies can enjoy this time of fellowship.

      There is also a sign-up sheet in the narthex for the evening meals for the missionaries at 5:00 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings in the fellowship hall. Please sign up and provide a meal to enjoy this special time of fellowship with the missionaries in a more intimate setting.

      There will be morning sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 A.M. in the fellowship hall. The missionaries will be sharing various aspects of their ministries at that time.

      The Junior Missions Conference will be running concurrently with the Missions Conference. The project for the Junior Missions Conference will be to provide camp equipment for the ministry of the Smiths in Colombia, South America. They would like to purchase a BIG BALL, which will be about $100.00, then use any amount over that to purchase other items.
      Please use the schedule included in this bulletin to note the times of the other services and missionary reports and sermons.

    • Weekly Devotional Thoughts

      If you are not receiving the Thursday evening devotion on your phone and would like to, please let Pastor Moss know.

    • Contacting Pastor Moss

      Pastor Moss is studying at home these days rather than in the church office. Reaching him on the phone here at the church may be difficult. Please feel free to call him any time on his cell phone at 793-0298.

    • Benevolence Contributions Welcome

      Please consider making a contribution to the benevolence fund over and above your contribution to the General Fund. Just use an envelope and mark it “benevolence”.

    • Use of Electronic Devices in our Services

      In order to preserve the reverence of our worship services on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings, we request that no communication devices, computers, cell phones, or any other electronic devices be turned on or used during these services. Special exceptions may be granted upon request for the sight-impaired who need extra large fonts to read the Bible and the words to hymns.