Missionaries – Teacher’s Assistance Program



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Teacher’s Assistance Program – Harrisburg, PA
Teacher's Assistance Program

Contact Information:

6003 Jonestown Rd.
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2662

Teacher’s Assistance Program (TAP) is a helps ministry to Christian workers overseas (mostly in the Philippines) in supplying them with Christian books, music, Sunday School materials, Bibles, commentaries, Bible study helps, etc., which they cannot easily attain in their country. Many pastors and Sunday School teachers in other countries do not have these materials to help them in their church ministry.

TAP meets in a school building using a few rooms to work and house their supplies. Literature comes from Christian Bookstores, from churches that have left over Sunday School supplies, and from individuals who have used magazines and other materials that are still useable. People also donate books, Bibles, and study helps.

Volunteers come each week and help with sorting and organizing the materials. Each person is assigned a job and shown how to do it. Some things are rolled and held by a rubber band while other things have to be collated. Some people are assigned to discard things that cannot be used, and some are assigned to pack boxes so there is no empty space left in the box.

Boxes are labeled with names and address where they are to go, and then stacked for shipment. Often the stack gets quite large before the funds come in to send the materials to the Christian workers overseas, who are waiting longingly for them to arrive to help them in their ministry.


  • For the abundance of materials to ship overseas.
  • For the many volunteers to sort through and organize materials.


  • For the finances needed to ship materials as all foreign deliveries must now be sent by airmail.
  • For wisdom in determining what to send, and what not to send.
  • That the right materials will be sent to the right places.
  • That the materials will be a help, blessing and encouragement to those receiving them.
  • The person who manages the finances of this ministry.
  • The person who manages the operation of this ministry.
  • That they could present the work of the ministry in other churches.
  • That the Lord would open other ways by which they could ship materials to the Philippines.
  • For continuing supply of KJV Bibles, hymnals, commentaries, concordances, devotional material, and other study books.

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