Welcome to North Hills Bible Church!
It is a pleasure to welcome you to North Hills Bible Church. We have created this website not only as a resource for our members, but so that visitors may see the heart and purpose of our local church. If you have any questions about who we are and what we do, our pastor would be more than happy to speak with you personally after one of our services, or you may contact us via any of the means listed on this site.
In 1939, when this church was preparing to have its first service, a handbill was distributed announcing the event. It read in part, “The sole aim of those who are interested in and who will comprise this church is that they may know the Word of God in its fullness and that they may win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be no fads, fancies nor fanaticism in its services, but the full truth of the Bible will be continuously presented.” This is the legacy of the North Hills Bible Church. It was true at the beginning and it continues to be true today.
Missionary of the Week
- Roberto & Imelda Livioco
- Independent Missionaries
- Philippines