Missionaries – Military Evangelism



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Military Evangelism – Jacksonville, NC
Military Evangelism

Contact Information:

Dave Mason
P.O. Box 246
Jacksonville, NC 28541

This is a ministry to soldiers. The soldiers come from many different countries, so this ministry is an international ministry. When military personnel are confronted with death and dying they are more open to spiritual issues.

The Masons, Dave and Patty, have permission to take soldiers off the base for short times to take them on outings to do sightseeing, play games, or other activities; sometimes even staying overnight at their facility.

During the time that the Masons have the soldiers they also feed them a good home cooked meal and give them the Gospel. They have seen many soldiers trust Christ as Savior in their many years of ministry, and have helped those already saved to be encouraged in the faith.

Their ministry is in Camp LeJune, North Carolina. This is the largest amphibious base in the world. Because of the sheer size of the base, there would be limitless opportunities for evangelism and discipleship. Here they work with marines in training, and also with permanent party personnel that are assigned to a base for one to three years. The permanent party personnel have more free time than soldiers and marines who are in training. Thus, there is a greater opportunity to do serious discipleship.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the preaching ministry, and one-on-one interaction with the soldiers.
  • Pray for those who talk to the soldiers in the counseling room.
  • That the Lord will continue to grant strength to the Masons.
  • Pray for their ministry to international Marines from many different countries.
  • That hearts will be open and receptive to the Gospel, and that many will come to know Christ before being shipped to hot spots around the world.
  • For new opportunities to reach out to the military.
  • Elimination of financial deficit. Pray for new supporters.
  • Strengthening their volunteer base.
  • Evangelism, discipleship, and counseling with young military couples.
  • One minute radio messages 3 times a day. Pray God will bless this endeavor.
  • Soccer ministry with Juan Lopez heading this up.
  • Ministry to military and civilian wives through a Bible study to be productive, held by Shelly Sabo.

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