- Emma Turner – Shinglehouse, PA
Birthday November 6 Contact Information:
Emma Turner
P.O. Box 316
Shinglehouse, PA 16748
(814) 697-6520 -
Jim and Emma Turner began their ministry pastoring a church in Greensboro, NC for 5 years. They then went overseas serving as CEF missionaries in Hawaii for 10 years, in the Fiji Islands for 5 years, and Singapore for 10 years. The next 5 years they served as visiting lecturers in Bible Colleges and Seminaries in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. In the Bible College in Singapore there were students from 10 different countries. As these students finished their training and went back to their own areas to serve the Lord, they had so very little in the way of reference books and teaching materials. The Turners began to see what a wonderful ministry this could be for their ‘mature years’. So during their last few years overseas they started a ministry shipping Christian supplies to national pastors and teachers in the South Pacific and to Southeast Asia. This ministry is called: Teacher Assistance Program or TAP Ministry. After a total of 30 years on the field they returned to the States and continued to work with CEF in leadership and teacher training programs, and in 1988 got TAP Ministries established and incorporated.
As Jim began to show signs of alzheimers they had to hand TAP Ministry over to others to continue on the work they had started. Emma attended to Jim for quite a few years before his passing away.
Emma is now living near her daughter in Shinglehouse, PA.
Ministry as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and mother-inlaw.
- She feels the Lord has a definite ministry for her within the family.
- Pray that she will be sensitive and obedient to each opportunity He gives, and for wisdom to know when silence and example mean more than much instruction.
- Praise the Lord for the comfort and blessing of a family that sees she is well cared for.
Attendance at Grace Bible Independent Baptist Church.
Praise the Lord for this friendly fellowship and the care they have given her with transportation to church when needed.
Service to her church is done in:
- Assistant teacher of a ladies Sunday School class (all ages).
- Writing daily devotionals for the ladies SS class from Psalm 119.
- Teaching Bible studies her church is doing as an outreach in the area.
Burdened for the unsaved she requests prayer for: neighbors and family.